Thursday, September 1, 2011

June 25 - out and about in Cusco

An Inca wall outside the Archbishops Palace.

The courtyard of the Monastery Hotel formerly a church university. It is now the highest rent hotel in Cuzco and is run by the Orient Express Company

Another example of the fusion of the Inca and Spanish architecture.

A Nasca ceramic pot on display at the Larco Museum near the Monastery hotel.
Two beautiful ceramics,  from the Mochica Culture.
A Mochica portrait pot.

Three Mochica necklesses made from spondulus shells, a highly prized material in the ancient cultures of Peru. The third breast plate neckless is made from tiny beads of spondulus.

Weavers in the Museum courtyard. They are part of a successful project to save local weaving techniques, colors and patterns.
The statue of the Inca towers over the Jesuit church, at least in the angle of the photo taken by David.
The cathedral taken from the central plaza, Plaza de Armas and below a photo of the San Blas plaza and a massive Inca wall near by.

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