Thursday, September 1, 2011

June 3 - Lima to Barranca

While I searched for a bus, I also lined up a taxi to take me to the airport, pick up David and continue on to Barraca. The first quote for the trip was US$250 but eventually I got a driver to argee to US$175.
On the way to the airport, we passed by the bus station of Paramonga Busses located in a pretty rough area. The busses which leave every 15 minutes for the north cost 15 soles to Barranca. So there it was, 30 soles (US$12) for the both of us on the busor US$175 in the taxi. The bus, by the way, had a number of stops on the way and took 5/6 hours.
David agreed, when we met him at the airport, that the taxi was the way to go so off we went into the falling darkness.
Before it was completely dark, we passed through miles and miles of "pueblo jovenes" (young towns) of pretty primative housing built of the sand dunes and rocky barren land. These towns were interspersed with huge chicken house presumably giving work to the occupants of the pueblos.
In Barranca, we checked into the Hotel Chavin and had a good meal in the hotel restaurant.

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