Each group of bearers of the saints, inspite of the weight of the float, execute its own little dance steps which makes the float sort of lurch back and forward as it moves forward. One group even imitated the steps of drunks.

After visiting numerous pre-Hispanic and other historic sites in Peru and Bolivia in 2007, David and John resume their adventures with a month-long trip to Peru beginning June 1, 2011. This time our visit includes Caral, the Chachapoyas region, Chavin de Huantar, and other remote pre-Inca sites in northern Peru, as well as the Inti Raymi festival in Cuzco. Our wives were unable to join us on this trip.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
June 23 - Corpus Cristi - around the plaza they go
The 10 saints were taken out on the cathedral for a trip around the Plaza de Armas, once again born aloft on the shoulders of a group of beefy faithful. Each "float" with each saint was proceeded by local church dignataries, faithful and native dance groups and followed by a band made up mostly of brass, drums and an occasional flute.
Each group of bearers of the saints, inspite of the weight of the float, execute its own little dance steps which makes the float sort of lurch back and forward as it moves forward. One group even imitated the steps of drunks.
The wooden cagelike thing on the right side of this photo is the support base on which the float is rested during the many halts in the procession around the Plaza. That important piece of every float was moved forward ahead of the respective float by a group of undiciplined street urchins who on more than one occasion almost lurched into the crowd or dropped the base altogether.
Each group of bearers of the saints, inspite of the weight of the float, execute its own little dance steps which makes the float sort of lurch back and forward as it moves forward. One group even imitated the steps of drunks.
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