Thursday, September 1, 2011

June 12 - Levanto, Inca road, and on to Gocta Lodge and falls

We spent Saturday night in our imitation Chachapoya house at the Levanto Lodge. On Sunday morning we looked at the interior of the colonial church in Levanto. We then lunched in Chachapoyas and drove on the Gocta Lodge, about a 2 hour drive on some pretty scary roads. From our very nice room in the new Gocta Lodge, we could see in the distance the falls we had come to see. On Monday, we would ride "bestias" (as the locals call horses) as close to the falls as the bestias could go.

 Levanto rooster with shoes to keep him from scratching in the gardens.

Along the Inca road that runs near Levanto north to Ecuador.

The town on Chachapoyas has about 25,000 resident and maintains a charming colonial flavor. It is located on the watershed leading toward the Amazon.

This was a good part of the road from Chachapoyas to Gocta.

View from our room at the Gocta Lodge toward the falls, one hour´s ride on bestia and another hour hike.

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